
Manitok Energy announces initial flow rate of 848 boe/d on its latest Stolberg cardium oil well

Published May 29, 2013
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Manitok Energy Inc.

Manitok Energy Inc. provide an update on its 2013 drilling program.

The 14th Cardium oil well in Manitok's Stolberg drilling program was recently completed and production tested. The well is the second horizontal well from a planned 4 well pad where Manitok has a 33.3% working interest on each well. After drilling about 550 meters horizontally within the Cardium formation, operations were terminated due to heavy losses of more than 5,500 barrels of water-based drilling fluid into the formation.

This drilling fluid contains additives that tend to limit the lost fluid and plug pore space, which may impede permeability and well production rates during flow test operations. Despite the fluid losses, the well flowed at an average rate of 745 bbls/d (248 net) of 44° API oil and 103 boe/d (34 net) of associated gas over a 50 hour test period.

Flow test operations were undertaken with the drilling rig in order to de-risk the next drill location from the pad site. The well was unstimulated and free flowed to surface over the entire test period, unloading only about 11% of the lost drilling fluid. The well will be suspended for the time being until all of the wells on the pad have been drilled. The third pad well was spud on May 26, 2013.

Tags: Manitok Energy Inc.


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