StatoilHydro has received consent to conduct exploration drilling with the Deepsea Atlantic semisub in the northern North Sea.
The consent applies to drilling of exploration well 34/10-52 S, which is part of production license 050. The well is located on Gullfaks Sor in the Tampen area.
The well has the following geographical coordinates: N 61 degrees 4' 31.830", E 02 degrees 14' 4.588". The water depth at the site is 135 meters.
Planned start-up is July 2009. The drilling activity is estimated to last for 90 days.
The Deepsea Atlantic is a drilling facility of the MODU GVA 7500 type operated by Odfjell Drilling AS. The facility was completed in 2009 and is registered in Norway. Classification society is DNV.
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